BANK: Commonwealth Bank
BSB NO: 064 000
A/C NO: 00906257
HASQ cordially invites all of our temple devotees to participate in the temple renovation fund sponsoring program
The existing temple is to be renovated at the current
location and
planning is currently taking place. The architectural plan has been
approved by the local council. Now the time has come to start a building
fund for the project. HASQ cordially invite our devotees to donate
generously to this important project and also receive blessings from the
Please remember that every donation helps this project come just
one more step closer to building a better temple for everyone.
How to participate in the Special Individual items sponsoring program
You can choose your preferred structure of the new temple that you
would like to sponsor and reserve that on your name or on your family
Please contact the President (Surendra) of HASQ via Email (hasq.president@gmail.com) with your phone number and he will
contact you and make arrangements to allocate your preferred structure.
http://www.sriselvavinayakar.org | Email: ssvkbrisbane@gmail.com |
Phone: +61 7 5547 7302 |